Friday, March 13, 2009

Mew Shoo (the latte cat)

- Mew Shoo, BU Starbucks

It's been more than 24 hours since Mew Shoo literally walked into our lives. There he was, amidst the human jungle of moving legs, this tiny 500gm of fur was meandering towards the exit door. How he got there was beyond me but something that was similar to the effect of being hit by the Titanic stirred "somekind-of-a-wonderful-responsibility" inside of me. Call it getting older, call it getting mellow (do I start to sound like a good bottle of wine?) but I had to pick him up and thought of finding him a home later. Should I have walked out of there, telling myself that was a cute kitten but "it'll be all right" I don't think I could have survived the impending storm that took place later that night.

And yes, the booms and baams of the evening's storm stirred the tempestuous soul of Lady Night but Mew Shoo was warmly tucked in his own blanket, oblivious to her callings. He was, after all, tired of adventure and longing for water and food which were given promptly. He was checked by the vet before I took him home and he came out with a sterling record of health and cleanliness.

Of course the search for a good home for him began earnestly in immediate effect. We both took a special liking to him. Our dogs too, although in different interpretation of affection. Ours was coo-ing, theirs... a lot of barking and territorial muscle flexing.

We'll keep you posted and hopefully that Mew Shoo will find his moo-shoo soon.

After all, isn't the smallest creature mean something in this whole balance of stage play we call life? Fingers crossed, we need your well wishes. Get out there and make a difference yourself too! You'll be surprised by what a mewing 500gm can change your own beliefs and stress levels too at that!

Until next week, here's to you and me, and all dogs and cats on earth and heaven.