Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Big "3" Milestone

It seems when you stared like a deer into the headlights of your new baby's face, then realised that sleep was going to be a tense in the past that someone (usually with that smarty pants look) told you that it will all "fall into place" by the 3-month mark.

Well, I've news for you.

You do somehow find that things morphed into a unique pattern of their own. Surprisingly, one night, as you made it past 1 in the morning, the next time you heard a tiny squawk that woke you, it was 5:37am! It still takes a Herculean effort to get your little one's interest to well, keep staying interested in things around her, ensuring she gets her needed time to feed, play, talk (by the way, she's a real chatterbox!), look at different things or listen to various sounds in as many degrees or angles they come in, cook dinner (no frozen meals, what an achievement in itself!), get the dogs walked and behaved in such a way that YOU are the master, the garden looking that tad decent, rescue a dogged flower pot (and its contents), the trash thrown, the spring cleaning done...

And to step out of the house in not one of those tracksuits ensemble. But saying yes to coffee is probably a given that is taken with serious intent.

We hit our big 12 weeks today and what I'm going to say is that some days are seemingly impossible, some moments are hard, but as many as they come, you are guaranteed of even more of the most wonderful experience of your child wanting to be with you, to want to hold you and have you close by, to fall asleep in your arms, her tiny yawn, her cheeky smiles, how she bashfully looks away when you play peekaboo, how she always want to have a nice talk about everything that fascinates her from the moment she wakes and when she nods off in your arms right in the middle when you are telling her about the animals and just how that tuff of hair stubbornly stands up, like so many things that you haven't figured out... and it's all fine too.

Some moments are meant to pause time and forever to be cherished. Enjoy a snippet here of Myla's first language class!