You would think that I came back from our family trip to Auckland all refreshed and ready to run up the mouse wheel, right?
Well, for starters, I found that my backyard was absolute carnage, I had six loads of washing to do, the house looked like it had never been vacuumed since shoulder pads went out of fashion, and the delivery guys handed over seven boxes of accumulated memories and purchases from our travel days to unpack.
On top of that I had bottles to wash (never ends!), a kitchen that still didn't clean itself, a bath tub that looked like an oil spill ransacked its edges, slugs to kill (raining non-stop in Sydney, these fellows were out in numbers), baby food to prepare, more reminders that I needed to get a new pedicure, and I so desperately needed another holiday soon!
Of course before any of that, I had to oblige grandparents and I know, I know... I heard you. So enjoy, here are the snapshots of Myla's first overseas holiday in the wonderful country of Aotearoa.
Early morning wait for the cab... something else caught her attention obviously.
Please only wake me up when the champagne breakfast is served, cheers!
Of course there were tears! They ran out of kiwi fruits!
Myla didn't look too impressed when she found out she had to go out on a date with these lads...
Myla doing what she does best... chilling in cuteness!
I wonder if all the dinosaurs disappeared because of the Big Bang....?
Those eyes, those eyes!
Our little gerbil donning the Barbarians' jersey... see the bicep lift?
Um.... should we have the lamb, the lamb, or..... the lamb?
Road touring is serious business... snooze catch up time.
Cuddle time with Teddy.