If only we could stay there longer! Hubby took me and the dogs off down South in the charming town of Margaret River for some quietude and much needed space of our own. So we basically housed up in a cottage hidden amongst the trees homed by peacocks and Guinea fowls, fed chooks and geese, Shetland and Angus studs, saw a heartbreakingly sweet moment when Chewy came face-to-face with a curious cow that got close enough to give him his ever virgin kiss (plenty of protest barks later on) and I got my first "antenatal class" feeding an orphaned joey.
The drive down was driven by the incessant effort of Tommy squeezing himself between the chasm of leg room back at the passenger's seat and our front compartment. He dutifully saw himself as designated co-pilot next to hubby for the entire 4-hour drive. That was the only way we could keep him sedatedly still and sane.
Had a stunning lunch at the splendidly groomed Voyager Estate and a drive down to Cape Leeuwin. Got to practice some negative space photography while doing the squatting Buddha asana - bet you never saw that before while looking out at the meeting point of two seas huh?
I'm progressing along the seven-month mark and the point of the day is not to waddle. Baby is kicking so cutely and this kind of groovy, lovey feeling is pretty special... especially when at times, things around you seem so crazily mashed up like the aftermath of the Japan earthquake, politicians debating about the carbon tax, sms spams prescribing acid rain and Betadine antedote and cure-all for the woes of mankind.
Like I shared with a close mate "if it's that easy, then we should have conquered Mars by now".
Get out for a walk people. If there is anything to harness from this, be thankful, spread some goodwill, and gulp the fresh air, smell the flowers and stop panicking!
Here are some of the glimpses of a moment stolen away from the madness we returned to.