Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Well, we finally did it and finished off five weeks of grouping at the Early Childhood Centre. It's off to the big world now for all mums and bubs. The facilitator got us kids down on the mat to form a baby petal...

You can see that some of us weren't too happy about it. The rest of us were probably not even aware yet of what's going on!

Me? Notice the cute little green Elfin stretch? Of course I got to give a spin to things, I'm my mama's girl! :)

This is what we called the "calm" before the whipped up storm

Abigail has started cuddling up to Austin on the left. Eddie (on the right) - love his rhino outfit! I want :) 

Okay, Eddie makes it official now!

So as I was saying, I like to suckle my fingers to ponder on my next move... 

Right, THIS is a stretch! 

The kids looking up at all the hyper mums with half a dozen iPhone cameras hovering above 'em. 

Hey, look who's here! Welcome Isla! 

These two are probably going to marry each other in twenty years' time. 

Mama, not too close please! 

Okay, this one is for papa xoxo 

Isla and I, when we decided to coordinate our looking at the camera at the same time. 

What? You mean the moon wasn't made out of Cheddar?!