Monday, December 27, 2010

Nearly There...

If you like to live your life by the edge of tattered pages (usually torn out by distressed hands driven by a high over-consumption of caffeine) then read on!

(1) Leave all and I mean, lock, stock and barrel of your important (this will mean you should get onto the wrong side of civil liberty if you choose to ignore your civil responsibilities) documentations that have any nano significance to do with the Ministry of Tax / Provident Funds / Stock trading proceeds / Banking / Nominations / Insurance (okay, some of the latter ones could mean you just get into more of the same situation that we call in loving exasperation "deep shit" when either a document goes missing / misplaced / sent to the wrong address / lost / and all your worst imagination come true;

(2) Get into the government offices during peak hour traffic on the last remaining working days of the year and only to run the lucky draw of having them experiencing a "technical down time" which renders the hard work you had put through to fight for a parking spot and waddled your way through the snaking queues to yesterday's dog dust;

(3) Or you could be cheeky and try to do most of your last minute account detail changing work WHILE you are on holiday in another state because you think that in the modern 21st Century, "everything should link up right?";

(4) Refer to item (3) and to be told that they need to charge you an additional RM10 even though you are withdrawing from your own account with all the documentation because they need to fax through a copy of your signature and oh, did we tell you that you need to return in the afternoon because we have to go for our lunch time now? So sorry Madam;

(5) You got most of your to-be-posted things packed into a fairly decent looking box (we didn't find it as the recycle guys beat us to it, instead we had to fork out some dole to buy one) only to be told that they don't do any normal surface shipment and the only option was to post it via express courier which came up to the same amount of the value of the contents;

(6) The box ends up sitting idle in the corner, awaiting its faith because apparently Malaysian Post needs the box to be tied by a string (any version looking looking like a knot will do) because the very expensive double-taped borders will absolutely not hold in the long, perilous journey to Australia... well, you guys are the expert;

(7)  After endless rounds of driving (we probably had covered more than 1,500km in the last two weekends) we found that we were just not finishing covering all the names and places that we need to meet and greet;

(8) The laundry just never ends;

(9) We still have rubbish to throw out from the bins of things we sorted out; but

(10) The day ends well when you have your hubby's young cousin who had always been a shy violet, now opening up to you (we are talking head leaning on your shoulder, wanting to show you two 15-minute Youtube videos on sea waves because "you are important", coming for a post-bath cuddle, and insisting to do the Waka Waka dance for you) and telling you that you smell heavenly from your shower...

... the day's ended pretty good after all.

And yes, we did finally get all the addresses updated, bank drafts done, and I even got to have a few moments of bliss because somehow, the schedule had a way to work itself out and it is looking to be a chill-out night where we hang with the kids for some home cooked food and a  predictable rendition of Nicholas Cage doing the Sorcerer's Apprentice.