And they are many. With three more days to rejoining the dusty track around the world, I have loads to do. Notwithstanding is the list of the must-do's that I have already planned for (some half, some done) for our big move to Down Under in fourth quarter next year. The real back bending exercise is trying to squeeze in all the don't-forget's before the big kick-off.
The dogs. The backpack. What to buy / dump / pack / store. Clean the fridge. Time the laundry basket. Get the medicine kit. Have lunch. Print documents. And that's the beginning, or so they say right?
Don't get me wrong. It's all exciting. I just am flabbergasted that after an initial warm-up around Europe, I thought by simplifying the "things" to do i.e. reducing to a smaller backpack and determining myself to survive on it solely for the next 8 months of my life will help - eeeyykk! Wrong! Small stuff matters and they have a way of creeping up to you.
I'm having a mix of feelings. I am over the moon because I can't wait to test out the photography projects that I have in mind after researching and putting together some simple briefs. I can't wait to find out at the end of it, would I have material to form the best year yet for my photography (I think so), would I have enough to make my coveted coffee table books (definitely) and would I have enough to make into DVDs as a token to memorise the to-be's in perpetuity (why leave it in the time machine?). I miss my dogs tremendously. I am already breaking all the rules in asserting my alpha position in the pack. What to do? I am only human, and they are after all, dogs and they have a knack in sensing when I am most vulnerable to be taken advantage of! I can't wait to get out of the country to see the world out there. I can't wait to find out about life. I can't wait to jump into potholes and out of them. I can't wait to trek the desert on the camel trek with my beloved. I can't wait to live the best life of my life.
Sometimes, maybe it just pays to throw away the planner.