Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Favourite September

Think about your most favourite moment that stays with you like a lingering kiss, the waft of the Sunday coffee roast, reminding you of the soft caress of a mother's hand on your head just before you fell asleep.

Of all the many things and experiences that define your life, this moment comes fleetingly because life, is after all, getting chaotic and busy. However it never fails to remind you of how cherished life can be, how the tiny things that unselfishly stood faithful awaiting your return to its embrace that matter, how silly it is to sweat over the banal things in life. Small things, minute movements, a split second that all change your world. It is the better because of it.

I love September.

Even how it sounds is just music to my ears. Maybe September carries with her a lot of beautiful memories. Sydney. Koh Phi Phi. A time to remember of all the watershed moments. When you commit your life to the most special person in yours. Realising what you have. Be overwhelmed by the power of love. Be touched deep in your heart of a person's faithfulness, loyalty, patience, consideration and most of all, to also respect his values and his stride. How many do you need who will stop theirs to stand for you? You really only need one, but oh, tell me about it - how difficult it is to meet someone whom is touched by God?

Hence, September celebrates my falling in helpless bliss into the arms of one of God's angels.

And this month, marks the coming of two years for one of our dogs - Tommy! He's turning two! We love you, you nutty little thug that has brought so much joy to our lives. Thank you for being you and just bringing a ray of light into everything. I even love your dog smell kisses... seriously!