Long on hair, short on brains.
- French proverb
It's all over the news. Not the coup d'etat of the Perak government and the dirty tussle between the stinky. The coup de grace is more of Beyounce pissing off yet another big name celebrity. After all those name dropping on Her Highness, the "original bad girl of music", Etta James, it seems that the legendary Mrs. Jay-Z has successfully got herself entangled in a hairy mess (no pun).
I don't know the details, every tabloid worth its salt seems to just hinted that Etta James going ape-shit on the microphone during her recent leg at Seattle. And what about berating about Obama? Let's keep the good man out of this cat fight, shall we?
It's difficult living in the eyes of the world, isn't it? One minute you play a legend in film, sing to her, tell her on live television that you "love her", and the next you get slammed by her. You get your dad out to save your skin (I think he did a great job regarding the "Queen" incident with Beyounce and Aretha Franklin but I still think that Tina Turner has the hottest legs in show business!) and a historical president got in the line of fire.
Dear, oh dear. All those hair, those platinum highlights. Those blow drying. Those bleach. Those perm. So, so tiring...
That's why I am so loving my bob cut. Have a great day everyone!