I can remember when the air was clean and the sex was dirty.
- George F. Burns, USA
News of the fire spreading in Australia has been going for too long and this year it has been no exception. It is a heart-wrenching read between the evil cocktail of demented arsonists and the relentless survivors to rebuild their lives. Already many who didn't deserve yet died, and many precious relics of nature that took thousands of years to evolve and grow, all disappeared with the heat, the ash, the blaze.
These are some of the many photographs that were published on the web, and I wanted to highlight the triggers that spark (no pun) off in you as I hope they will as you read on. I can only hope that these, poignant and haunting images do not only serve a mere purpose of allowing us, from a safe distance, a glimpse into a desperate fight to push back the ignorance of the selfish. If you see it, then report it. Vow to yourself that you will do at least one act a day to preserve your environment. If doing it for the future generation doesn't appeal to you, then do it for the air that you breathe right now. I am not asking you to donate or to plant a tree. You can, but I hope these photographs that caused and stirred the pools of my soul to raise a wave of despair, hurt, pain, rage and I feel helpless that I can only do so much from the seat of my office to ask of you to just at least, consciously take care of our planet. I wish I was in the battle ground, I wish I was stroking the heads of the children who lost their homes, I wish I was consoling the loss that parents had to endure when they returned only to see their offsprings that already had left the bounds of this Devil's cauldron into the embrace of God above. I feel useless. I feel angry.
And the last photograph almost took my life force away. Boundaries are broken, and humans with animals, the battered but not broken Mother Nature, all captured in this image to remind us that this is our inheritance. The good, the bad, the evil, they are all our making and only ours to make a difference. Continue we must, and continue we will.