Forget injuries, never forget kindness.
- Confucius, China
Another torrid day and I was hard at work on my examination piece for my Erhu. Surprisingly, the heat didn't dampen (no pun) my enthusiasm for the scales workout, in fact, I actually enjoyed it. First thing to be thankful for!
The puppies behaved so well, no paper shredding, so decided to go out for a walk together. We behaved well, they got a great workout, I got a fantastic warm up. They practically siesta it later while I went for my bike. The legs were still aching from yesterday but boy, I felt good. Stretches were tougher today (don't know the reason) but I did them anyway. I had always thought my back was weak but today, no pain. Just an overall feeling of strength. Second thing to be thankful for!
And got a surprise call from Claire, my new friend with a lovely boy, Hugo, and another one coming in July. We met on one of those walks. I was invited over to an amazingly cozy home, tasteful yet unpretentious. It was fun just exchanging tips (more like me soaking them in from her!) of making the transition from a corporate rat travelling around the region for deadlines to a yummy mummy, relishing in the joys of raising a child. We spent the arvo just enjoying our time together and also singing to Hugo's DVD of French traditional children's learning songs and animation. I thought Hugo's baked cod and rice dinner was quite delicious! Third thing to be thankful for!
And here I am, listening to Claire's CD of Ma Yo-Yo's recordings of the cello suites by Bach. Simply voodoo hoodoo stuff. Fourth thing to be thankful for!
I feel good. Even though tonight I am alone. I love how I am working my body out. Tomorrow will be another commitment on resistance and interval training. Fifth thing to be thankful for!