Tuesday, August 25, 2009


You know how when things get dragged on and you just want to start a new chapter? How do kids manage to do this everyday? Where do they get that sort of magic? Do they recharge when they slip away into dreamland, bringing with them the tiredness of a day well-spent and to come back tomorrow morning with the promise of more smiles, cries, sharing and play, and how they just unquestionably know they will get that bottle of milk as they had always had since the days before?

We walked by the lanes of the Luxembourg Garden, what took my breath away above the lush fertile display of trees, rivers, ponds, romance in the air, was the light giggle and laughter ripples that filled the air with some kind of freedom that I found rare amidst a city so clustered with traffic and small walk ways.

And we found ourselves joining the Ascension Feast in the Notre Dame. Yet between the sombre faithful adults, I see bathed by the warm glows of the golden candles, chandeliers, stiff clothing, Gregorian chants of the choir, children. They come, they bask in the assuring glances under the House of God. I see adults praying fervently, concentrating, abiding, yet only the children seem to possess a deeper understanding of what it is all about.

Do we understand? How did we lose it somewhere in between? Do you start anew to find back the old?