Our visit to Normandy taught us the virtue of slowing down to listen. Look out, not with your eyes, but from listening to the voices that carry themselves across the fields. As the gentle bends of the grass, punctuated by a blob of red from a single poppy, you can almost hear the past stories floating past where you stand, towards the sea.
The phrase that changed the entire course of history

Too many as such, had died, which I pray - not in vain
We woke up really early to get to Normandy Beach by 8am. It was dead quiet, the eerie peaceful breaks across the seaside lied about the harsh, bloodthirsty action that took place between the Allied Forces and Germans. All were men, all were sons, all were brothers yet fighting on opposite sides. Each had a mother, a daughter, a son, a friend, a sister, mourning even until today. It was a kind of deafening silence that broke my ears. I knew no tears because it was too profound for me to luxuriate myself in that solace.