It's one of those times again. It creeps up on you silently, one evil tip-toe by one, barely making a sound and then, it hits you with a big gazebo (or substitute with big architectural structure of your liking).
I thought I have survived gallantly on where angels fear to tread. Although I have managed to only subdue the rebellious ever-propagating laundry basket (suspect that this will be my next most favourite rant of the lifetime), I am quite proud that I have organised and ticked off the must-do of the list this week. See the above? That is one of the things, no read: joys of what I have to do this week.
All began with seven days at my disposal. In between squeezing one more lousy repetition on the workout days / staring helplessly at a trainer who mercilessly bellowed with his eyes that even "300" the move is not made in a day, I did more. Hence, one more lousy repetition, okay? Yes sir.
I attempted and made some healthy meals. I had a blast visiting my mates' new home in a spanky postcode plus photographed some cherished moments. I spent two days shooting at another close friend's home for their family album since theirs had expanded by two feet (read: newborn!) - between colicky attacks, an energetic and extremely opinionated two-year old (his big brother) and just genuinely very nice people, so nice that they took pity on this poor lass who just couldn't handle the local humidity that well - they switched on the air conditioner before I arrived! (and I survived) Now, isn't that kindness or what?
I think so.
What I didn't do is got down to writing about my travels. Heck, I had my first dry-run for my music examination and I can truthfully, unabashedly confess here on the very public, naked space of blog-sphere, I failed by 5 points! But I got very useful feedback, so sigh... it can only mean one thing. Untuck my tail and go back on the platform of practice, practice, practice to make perfect. Two more weeks to D-Day.
And tomorrow will be another mad run down South with the dogs. But it's a case of three becomes four! We're picking the Alpha Male home! Hubby will be back from his Chiang Mai-Laos trekking trip. I already can't wait for it (you can read it anyway you like!). Feels like dating all over again when you read love emails from your hubby as he writes it from some dusty 486 PC in some broken shed in the middle of Luang Prabang. It's sexy, I don't know how to say it, but I highly recommend packing your hubby into a trip-of-a-lifetime with his dad to some really remote location, either for boy bonding, or just good old father-and-son time. Getting his "I miss you terribly" line is... in my experience, completely refreshed and, just presents itself in a new way. So yes, as where you old timers may yawn at this, I reckon my drive down South tomorrow will be one that I look forward to, gosh... did I just sound like a teenager there?
So, here's to another week of many craziness, ups and ups. Until next, thank you all (especially to those who have been so nice to write to "say hi" in order to remind me of my blog, I love you guys!) and I promise, more to come!