Thursday, August 13, 2009


You know, that could be the name of that tuggie. But then again, you get to know this thing about timing and being in perfect timing.

I remember that particular day. As I sit here, from an almost a week's worth of covering some long distance driving (on a completely worthy cause), I could recall that long drive along the Highlands. This town was never planned to be on our itinerary stops twice. But somehow we crossed it the first time, had lunch and thought of it as a good pit-stop en route to where we called "the end of the world". The latter, was literally as it was. In fact, so hinged on the tip of the envelope was this place, that we were sorely underprepared on cooking utensils. Given we neither had nor could possess any of such items within a close radius that rendered us function-friendly pre-sunset, we did what was to be the most sensible thing to do with a car.

We turned back to where we had lunch.

Simple, right? We knew there would be food (good type) and ale, there would probably be a place to crash, and a Plan-B for possibly anything at this rate. And simple was, sometimes, good too.

Timing is defined as the regulation of occurrence. Perfect timing then, at least to me, is the allowance of an extra hour to capture some of the most remarkable happenings in your life. Note to mind, we were kind of stuck in almost the end of some pristine rocky paradise with no good spot to land base camp (and definitely nothing to cook on. Two adults, a bottle of water, do the mathematics yourself) - so to:

(1) Find a decent B&B with a river view

(2) It comes with a hearty breakfast!

(3) Take a quick nap

(4) It rained

(5) And this rainbow appeared

And you managed to run back and grab that clicker to immortalise this moment.

Perfect doesn't have to be hard, and it certainly, as with some things in life...

The best ones are always free.