Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.
- Angela Monet, Remains to be known
Desserts are symbolic to any diner as being the most common way to finish off a well prepared dining experience. Many could opt for a nice brew of coffee (or tea?), while many a slimmer would delicately select a slice of fruit, while others (and hail the French!) for a take on the rich and seductively insane (but all worth it if only we live once), while the corporate biggies have fashioned up mint slices with brandy (?), while I, depending on my mood, never say no to a nice glass of wine to just tie things up.
After all, isn't it a personal choice?
This entry concludes an enjoyable session of relaying my day-to-day musings with my food shots. Quite an eye opener to frame my thoughts using the unusual subjects that many just tuck into their mouths daily without stopping to contemplate. But then again, many couldn't really afford the luxury of time to do so, or so they convince themselves?
I thank you in enjoying (following) this column and I hope in time, I can come up with something again. Today marks the first day of the Earth Ox year in the Chinese calendar, and also a dual eclipse (double jeopardy?), and the most quiet one I have ever had in years. In the arvo walk I took with my beloved and the dogs, I finally gave myself the "ok", the permission, the ticket, to pursue my every day for the rest of life in the simplest and the most wholesome way possible.
Does this sound like a new year's resolution? I don't know but I know that just like your dessert choice, you take something that may divert from the mainstream, yet if you know that is the most honest choice you have made, it will be, and life will be, tasting the sweetest that you ever could dream of. Dreams will be bigger and achieved.
Go on, take it on. You may even like it.