Friday, January 16, 2009

Food Diary: For Thought (Indeed)

Keep high aspirations, moderate expectations, and small needs.
- William Howard Stein, USA

How many ways can you shoot (through the lens) the humble apple?

I tried, and found that I haven't showed its beauty completely. There is the speckled skin up close, the legs of the external root on the bottom, the wrinkled edge on the bumpy sides (turn your apple upside down), the fleshy inner core, and if I could ever capture it - its smell.

Try as I could, the tiny innocent fruit remains a small parcel holding many an untold beauty. Then is its form and substance perceived limited by what we expected out of it? Or what do we expect from ourselves when we perceive something so (on the outset) simple?

This morning was a special day. We went to a place that open up a new path that will challenge how we react towards a new environment. It will tease us to approach a subject matter without expectations on the other party, but be subjected to theirs. We come forward with what we can offer in all honesty, and learn to inspire instead of tell.

I think we will, in the end, learn to unlearn a lot of preconceived expectations, both on others, and most of all, on ourselves.