Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient.
- Aristotle, Greece
At times I miss the heaviness of those big weighted philosophers of the past. Can you get more serious than the Big Man A himself? Well, maybe Plato could have a say in it but I reckon tutoring Alex couldn't be that bad, could it?
But these words resonate pretty in tune with me today. I was reflecting on a non-action being a choice or type of action, thus leading one to think about what your priorities may be. Yet by chance, a nice breezy walk in the evening with my most loved led me to see the silver lining.
Realising it is only the beginning part. Living it consistently is the test of my mettle.
But finally knowing what has been bothering me and knowing what to do about it does bring a lot of relief to myself. I'm avoiding what may sound like a diary entry (heaven forbids!) but what I like to share is this:
Find a path that allows you to be rock steady, irrespective of what life throws at you. Do not condemn yourself to a designated path that is completely inflexible for eternity. I choose to embrace a blank canvas as my "path". This allows me to focus on being happy and content in just being... me. The "me" now is sufficient. This frees me to set out to achieve anything that I want without any naysaying in my head, lets me flow fluidly like a steady stream. I have learned that just because a river flows silently doesn't mean there isn't anything worthy of life growing in it. This, I find, gives me the ability to incorporate wisely whatever that may be external factors that affect my life onwards, and to handle life in a dignified and respectable, meaningful manner.
I hope this sets you the opening field to run as free as you like. Starting right now.