Babies are such a nice way to start people.
- Don Herold, USA
These are mes petits enfants, all children of Sophie's (my latest sister-in-law) siblings & respective spouses. They are simply beautiful and if I may say so, enough to make one go a bit all maternal!
As I write this entry while the hot arvo brings some respite in the rain, I keep thinking and visualising on how France would be in late May this year? I am very excited about the trip, though I will miss my beloved for loads until he joins me later in the trip. On the other side of the coin, I am feeling very adventurous and look forward to backpacking around Europe for two months. This, I tell myself, will be a trip well deserved before I embark on the madness of planning to relocate to Australia in the second half of the year. All good though!
First off will probably be spending heaps of time exploring France alone. Then Holland. The rest of Eastern Europe and Istanbul will be after the wedding, I can't possibly imagine having all the fun alone. To share does double up the fun.
So when I received this email from France, I was pleasantly up the clouds! It's funny how sometimes new family members are added into your life. Just like that. Right this moment, I feel very blessed.