Monday, December 8, 2008

To... Or Not To...?

Fortune helps the brave.
- Publius Terentius Afer, Rome

Sometimes I think I have to rest, take a break, pull down the blinds and just... stop.

Sometimes I think I need to break away from containment and trust faith.

Sometimes I am utterly confused by how I feel. I know there is nothing that I am not brave enough to face yet at times the unknown beneath holds too much mystery to remain objective at the current moment while I decide.

This can be the watershed moment where I can take this far. The network has thrown a good lead into the picture and I tried the time tested "the only way to find out is to ask". I have something of value in hand to offer, my mind sped too fast ahead thinking about the work I can do and how I furiously but happily land page after page of illustrations. Then I realised that I am not really there... yet.

Dreaming can be so scary. Yet being otherwise, is scarier. I don't know. Facing a loaded gun could be more fun.